“You want to know where your heart is, look at your wallet.”
I have a new found love for podcasts and teachings while I am out running errands or cleaning the dentist. I clean a dentist office a few times each week, and I always dread the drive over there to clean it. It isn’t that it is difficult work, but I can only clean it from 6pm-6am. So many times I am not home for dinner with the kids, or I have to get up at 4:15 in the morning to have it finished by 6am.
I am very grateful for the work that God has provided for our family to supplement my full time job as well as help us get out of debt and on track to financial freedom.
I have lately been really enjoying Dave Ramsey’s podcasts and radio show archives. I love hearing his wisdom as people call in with questions. Listening to his materials and reading “The Total Money Makeover” have really revolutionized how I look at my money.
Last week I finished up the Dave Ramsey Podcast, so I tuned into The Village Church’s podcast and listened as Matt Chandler shared about stewardship. It was a perfect continuation of the message that Dave Ramsey was sharing on his program. Matt had a lot of really good stuff to say about money, and I would encourage you to check out the teaching and read through the sermon transcription.
He had a few points that I thought were really awesome.
1. Money must always be obtained through honest gain. He encouraged us to have Godly ambition to work and be diligent in working to the glory of God. It is so easy in our jobs to slack off, fudge numbers, or be dishonest in our dealing with people.
2. Money must be cared for diligently. Most people that come on the Dave Ramsey Show when asked what the secret was to getting out of debt said a written and executed budget. Dave always says give each dollar you receive a name and a mission. Whether we make a billion dollars a year or a thousand, we must operate out of a budget because we are managing money that God has entrusted to us. We are careful when we manage money for others, or have responsibility at workplaces where we handle money, so why would our own finances be any different.
Watch or listen to the teaching and be blessed!