Developer buys GE Campus with $300 Million Dollar Plan
Most people would agree that Fort Wayne has done a tremendous job revitalizing the downtown area and attracting new businesses, restaurants, and home buyers back into the city. Last week Greater Fort Wayne, Inc. announced that a Baltimore-based company will be purchasing the GE campus and transforming it into a “mixed-used, place-based innovation district” that will include commercial, residential, hotel, and community space.Governor Eric Holcomb said this about the announcement: “This will raise eyebrows all over the country not just around the state but folks will be looking at where do we want to grow our operation? Fort Wayne is providing certainty, predictability, and vibrancy and that’s a pretty powerful 1,2,3 punch.”We are encouraged by this announcement and plan to help bring life to the downtown area. What sort of businesses or retail shops would you like to see in the new complex? Feel free to leave your ideas in the comments section below.For more information about this project check out this video from WANE.