Fort Wayne is still a HOT Market!
I previously wrote about Fort Wayne being one of the hottest markets in the United States. You can read that article here. A recent article on has ranked the 46815 zip code in Fort Wayne as the 17th hottest zip code in the country. They have several metrics for what makes a zip code a "hot" zip code. They include: relative affordability, shares of millennials, millennial ownership rates, job markets, and average salaries.In 2017 the 46815 Zip Code has seen a 5.9% increase in median price and a 12.5% increase in price per square foot. The amount of new listings and closed sales has decreased, which means if you are interested in listing your home, the time has never been better for getting top dollar for you home! Most other zip codes in Fort Wayne are experiencing similar market values and a continual lack of inventory! Contact me for a FREE Market Analysis on your home to see what it is worth in this market, you may be surprised! It is no secret that Fort Wayne is on the rise. Small plug for Fort Wayne Rising! The days of the downtown being dead after 5pm are long gone. We have some great neighborhoods, super affordable housing, a terrific local food scene, some great local coffee houses, and much more! I guess those are things that I value, ha!Food and Wine Magazine recently tagged Fort Wayne as an "Unexpected Hipster Hotspot." They said "You've probably already heard the buzz over Indianapolis, or Columbus—now, less-expected cities like Fort Wayne, Indiana are starting to skew younger (and cooler)." They raved about some of our local restaurants and coffee houses - Junk Ditch, Tolon, Hetty Arts Pastries, and Conjure to name a few. You can check out that article here.It's an exciting time in Northeastern Indiana! When thinking about Fort Wayne, what are you most excited about? Comment in the section below, I would love to hear your thoughts!