FREE Nest Thermostat

Have you guys seen the new Nest E thermostat? It was released last week and it is already a hit. When we bought our house last year the first thing I picked up was a Nest Thermostat. My wife usually hates these sorts of things because they often times can be more trouble for her than a help, but the Nest is different. It just works. Not only does it just work, it works hard to save you money! The average Nest user can save $138 a year in energy savings. It turns itself down when you are away, learns your schedule, and gives you remote access on your phone to control your thermostat – perfect for when you are in Canada and forget to turn the air conditioning off at your home (happened to us in July.) It also integrates with Google Home and Amazon Alexa. The original Nest sells for $250, but they have released the Nest E which has essentially all the same features but for $169. It is a fantastic price for some really helpful features and it should save you money!For the remainder of 2017 I will be giving away a FREE Nest E Thermostat at closing to anyone who lists or buys a home with me as their Realtor. It is probably one of my favorite giveaways I have done because it is merging two of my favorite worlds – technology and real estate. Sometimes both can be overwhelming, but I will make it my mission to help your next real estate transaction go as smoothly as possible. And as a token of my thanks I will hook you up with a Nest E! If the home already has a Nest or you have a home or HVAC system that isn’t compatible, I will refund the price of the Nest to you!If you are interested in seeing what your home is worth please contact me for a FREE market analysis. If you have any friends or family members that are thinking of selling or buying I would greatly appreciate if you would share this post or my contact with them! You can read some of the reviews about me on Zillow. I promise to take great care of them and best of all they get the Nest! 


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